We WILL NOT TOP TREES! Such practice is often a death sentence for a tree. If the tree does manage to live, the results are unsightly and the branches that grow back are attached weakly and may create a future hazard. However, PROPER pruning techniques may be employed to maintain or improve the health, appearance, and safety of trees by:

Pruning is recommended when:

  • removing limbs that interfere with wires, building facades, gutters, roofs, chimneys, or windows, or that obstruct streets or sidewalks(crown raising, crown reduction);
  • removing dead or weak limbs that pose a hazard or may lead to decay;
  • removing diseased or insect-infested limbs;
  • creating better structure to lessen wind resistance and reduce the potential for storm damage;
  • training young trees;
  • removing limbs damaged by adverse weather conditions;
  • removing branches, or thinning, to increase light penetration(crown thinning);
  • improving the shape or silhouette of the tree.

Although tree removal is a last resort, there are circumstances when it is necessary.

Our Certified Arborist can help you decide whether or not a tree should be removed, we have the skills and equipment to safely and efficiently remove trees.

Removal is recommended when:

  • is dead or dying;
  • is considered irreparably hazardous;
  • is causing an obstruction that is impossible to correct through pruning;
  • is crowding and causing harm to other trees;
  • is to be replaced by a more suitable specimen;
  • is located in an area where new construction requires removal;
  • and, let's face it, when the customer wants it removed.